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[OXR]∎ Libro Gratis Unbidden Judgement Of The Six Book 4 eBook Melissa Haag

Unbidden Judgement Of The Six Book 4 eBook Melissa Haag

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Unbidden Judgement Of The Six Book 4 eBook Melissa Haag

Another great book in the series! I read this one in a day, a week after starting the first book; I'm addicted! Book 4 goes slightly back in time to catch us up on the 4th sister of the Six. We read about Gabby (Hope), Michelle (Prosperity), Bethi (Wisdom), and have met a few times the eldest, Charlene (Strength), who lives at the werewolf compound. Now we get to read her story as the first (in this lifetime anyway) of the 6: the first to realize she was not quite human and was compatible with the werewolves. That makes for a tale of exploration, full of rises and falls with Charlenes trials and falls, in which we learn about about the werewolves. At first she runs from her powers, and is first on quite tense terms with the wolves. However, with her strength she strives to help unite the wolves, help them thrive, as sort of a mother figure, building the compound and adapting to the times. In so doing, she finds herself a place she belongs, a family. Along the way she tests the balance between her human ways and her new family's wolf lifestyles, which leads to some amusing compromises, one of which is the way they find their mates. Thomas, a pack leader, promises to learn to be human and Charlene must learn to let him into her life, especially with all her secrets. With this book we learn just how much Charlene is capable of, and I can't wait to see what she and her sisters do with it as part of their Judgment after they find Peace and save Courage from the Urbats.

Read Unbidden Judgement Of The Six Book 4 eBook Melissa Haag

Tags : (Un)bidden (Judgement Of The Six Book 4) eBook: Melissa Haag: Kindle Store,ebook,Melissa Haag,(Un)bidden (Judgement Of The Six Book 4),Shattered Glass Publishing LLC,Juvenile Fiction Love & Romance,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal

Unbidden Judgement Of The Six Book 4 eBook Melissa Haag Reviews

(Un)Bidden was a wonderful surprise. In this book we go back to the beginning of this cycle and we learn how Charlene, the Judgement of Strength, came to be among the werewolves before everything on this crazy journey has started.

Here's the thing, I will admit that I didn't think I would like Charlene's book. I knew that it would be told from the past and I couldn't see how I would like a book that was told mainly as a flash back but I was interested in Charlene, she was the first to appear and I don't know that much about her besides the little tidbits that I got from the other books.

I was so wrong about this book, (Un)bidden was amazing. Melissa manage to make the story feel current and connected to the others while simultaneously revealing past information that may be key to the story overall. The book is well written and the overall plot was pretty fantastic but it was the characters that made the most impact.

Charlene was amazing, here she was fifteen away from home with a responsibility to keep her powers a secret and not abuse them. She finds this group of people/werewolves and is face with a lot. She not only has to keep herself safe but she feels the need to make these people lives better. Seeing the difference that she made, I cannot even find the right words but I'll try.

In the first book and all the way through to the third book I figured the werewolves lives were pretty close to human with lives and jobs and families, while thinking that only a few lived differently. Now I know that Charlene is a big part of how the werewolves are in the previous books. When she first gets there the wolves are in pretty bad shape as a species and they were disconnected and dying out. Fifteen year old Charlene has gathered these people, challenge the way they see things, fought to improve and be better,overall Charlene is a badass.

We all know that Thomas is Charlene's mate but he had to work for it. I realize that all the judgements go through such horrors and their mates have to prove themselves worth of them. After all they have been through remembered and not they do not trust easily and it takes a special kind of man with a lot of good qualities to be right for them. Thomas was a bit of a mess when Charlene first comes, he spent most of his time as a wolf and didn't understand humans and how fragile they are at all. Also certain motions were a bit difficult to understand as well. The early version of Thomas is a lot different from the current one we know. But I loved how he was willing to try to understand and to be better. Don't get me wrong, I love a mating bond but I loved how Thomas and Charlene grew closer not because of a bond but because of the experiences they share.

(Un)Bidden has manage to be highly entertaining while showing secrets of the past and revealing parts of the future. There was not a single moment when I was not enjoying this book, the relationships, the werewolves past and how things came to be. This book has made me even more excited for the rest of the series and I have Thomas' book waiting, I can't wait to read the story from his pov, it should be interesting.
Loved this book. Since I started reading this series I wanted to know about Charlene. What her role is? Boy was I not disappointed. She is just as feisty as the other girls. I love how all of them have been unwilling to mate until they spend time with the men. Charlene has went through a lot. She has tried to hide her power and doesn't want to use it unless necessary. She is a headstrong character and will do anything she can to help others and make them feel at home. I can't wait to read the next book.
Another great book in the series! I read this one in a day, a week after starting the first book; I'm addicted! Book 4 goes slightly back in time to catch us up on the 4th sister of the Six. We read about Gabby (Hope), Michelle (Prosperity), Bethi (Wisdom), and have met a few times the eldest, Charlene (Strength), who lives at the werewolf compound. Now we get to read her story as the first (in this lifetime anyway) of the 6 the first to realize she was not quite human and was compatible with the werewolves. That makes for a tale of exploration, full of rises and falls with Charlenes trials and falls, in which we learn about about the werewolves. At first she runs from her powers, and is first on quite tense terms with the wolves. However, with her strength she strives to help unite the wolves, help them thrive, as sort of a mother figure, building the compound and adapting to the times. In so doing, she finds herself a place she belongs, a family. Along the way she tests the balance between her human ways and her new family's wolf lifestyles, which leads to some amusing compromises, one of which is the way they find their mates. Thomas, a pack leader, promises to learn to be human and Charlene must learn to let him into her life, especially with all her secrets. With this book we learn just how much Charlene is capable of, and I can't wait to see what she and her sisters do with it as part of their Judgment after they find Peace and save Courage from the Urbats.
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